
omicron variant in children symptoms

Omicron variant in children: what say UNICEF, CDC, WHO Doctors?

Fear in respective of the third wave of COVID-19 has been ongoing for a much longer time. The Omicron variant of coronavirus is highly pestilent continuously canceling events, aggravating hospitals, lack of test kits, and creating severe panic among people. As the daily skyrocket news, nobody is safe, causes severe headaches for parents about their children as well infants.

Table of Content
  1. What do Doctors Say?
  2. UNICEF Declaration About Children
  3. WHO Advocating Measures
  4. COVID Preventive Keys for Children by CDC

What do doctors say?


A senior consultant Pediatrician Dr. Jesal Sheth said that “children have higher respiratory infections tract as compared to in adult because this variant mostly affects on upper respiratory tract making additionally vulnerable to different agents in the atmosphere”.

UNICEF declaration about children

UNICEF claimed that “children of all ages, all over countries are being affected. In some cases, particular impacts through socio-economic, by migration measures which inadvertently has more harm than good”.

Moreover, it added that the contagious effects of this coronavirus will not be prevailing equally. In poorest countries and neighborhoods, they expected more damage regards children, and also for those who are already in defenseless condition”.

WHO advocating measures

WHO claimed that SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) has an infection, less severe illness, and deaths among adolescents, infants, and children as compared to adults.


However, if infants and children have no symptoms or with mild chances to transmit this fatal disease they may make a move as drivers of transmission in communities. 

COVID preventive keys for children by CDC

As the core mission of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends in its guidelines for schools, to prevent and protect the people updated the guidance which reflects new keyways for school children.


  1. Priority should be maintained for children's benefits in in-person learning and then safely returning to in-person instruction.
  2. In the prevention of public health strategy, vaccination is a leading tool for the end of the COVID pandemic that can help returning to schools as well as extracurricular activities.
  3. According to the new guidance of the CDC reduced the quarantine or isolation period to 5 days. For more details can see the CDC page Quarantine and Isolation.
  4. Staff, teachers, and students should stay at home when they feel any infectious ill and will refer to healthcare.
  5. Ventilation, hand washing, screening test, staying home, respiratory etiquettes, cleaning, disinfection, and quarantine or isolation are all the main layers of protection to keep the school safe.


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